Friday, March 12, 2010



In the ACCESS program, students will be able to take extra classes online to go along with their current courses taken in high school. This program offers the honor/A.P. students a chance to also earn some college credits while still in high school. This program has the potential to be really great for those students being able to use it. In that they will be able to take more classes in high school that they would not have taken without this program.

Even though the students will be using this program at home, they will still have help from advisors via the internet. There are support systems in place from the University of Alabama, Troy University, and various school sytems around the state. One of the state board of education's goals fr this program was to have it in place by 2010. This has not happened and they are only at 174 schools out of the 300 some odd high schools in the state of Alabama, with only one of those schools being in the Mobile area region. This is something the school boards need to work hard on beacuse this is a great program and all students deserve to use it.


This week I got to comment on Mrs. Yollis's class blog about circles! They looked like they had alot of fun learning how to dram them outside. These were third graders learning the geometry side about circles, not just the simple: circlesd are round and have no corners. They were learning about radius, diameter, cocentric circles, I mean come on I learned most of that stuff in Middle school not third grade!! It continues to amaze me that students start to learn things earlier and earlier in school these days.


  1. I like the idea about the students having the opportunity to take classes outside of the classroom for advancement.

  2. I agree. I liked this program too but I didn't like the fact that only 174 schools had it. I like you wish that it was available to more high schools throughout the state. They created the program to increase the equality of educational opportunities for students but not all students have access to ACCESS. Yes, school boards do need to do something about about implementing this program in schools. I wonder why they didn't see to it that the under privileged school districts had access to ACCESS first? You are speaking my language Megan!

  3. Hey Meghan, I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work! It is almost over!!!
