Wednesday, February 10, 2010



After reading all of this material about the Wikipedia tracer, I think that it is pretty cool that someone came up with this idea. I have never been a real big fan of Wikipedia ever since I found out that anyone and everyone could edit it if they wanted to. That alone, to me, made it an unreiabe resource to use. Now that I have read more into these tracer stories it lowers it on my list even more!! These companies and public figureheads going on the sight and changing things makes me mad. It defeats the purpose of having an online encyclopedia if someone can change waht it says about them if they don't like it. I would like to see if any scandals come out of this wikitracer though!! I love drama in the political and business worlds!


Mr. McClung's essay on his expeirences during his first year really spoke to me. He is right when daying that we as teachers (or teachers to be) can forget who we are teaching to...KIDS! I hope that I can remeber that when I start teaching. I also like his point on not being afraid of technology, and that we aren't going to be perfect with it the first time we use it, but we have to keep on trying and hope that we get better at it.

I think that this is a big part of our class in EDM. I know that I personally neverthouht of using a lot of technology in my class because I myself had not had it in my classes. So i wasn't very familiar with the idea of branching out like that. I know I'm still not that comfortable with it now, but I am warming up to it the more practiced I get with my comuter and some of the programs we are now dealing with. Let's just see where I go from here...


  1. I agree that we will have to remember who we are teaching. I set high standards for myself, and I will have to be reasonable when setting standards for my students. I also liked that he said we should not be afraid of technology. I was afraid of this whole EDM class at first because I was never a huge fan of technology or even computers, but I'm really enjoying it!

  2. Meghan,

    You make a great point about new teachers not using technology in their classrooms because they were never taught any in their classes. That is the basis of why EDM 310 had to change. That is something that also needs to be incorporated in all of the classes. It does not matter what type of teacher you are going to become because we can all use technology as a resource!
