Friday, February 26, 2010



As part one of the two part video ended I found myself thinking okay that was all nice and good but what was he talking about? I understand that he is using this multimedia program to compile all of his information; including sound bites, videos, pictures, links, etc.. But I really did not follow if he was trying to tell me how to use it. He was more of boasting about everything he got to work on and what they got to incorporate, not really how to use it.

At the end of part 2 of the video I thought that everything Mr. Miller talked about was very cool. The part where he showed a document that was not made out of the alphabet but the web was very interesting. That it could do searches on its own and update itself and show you things like where the happiest city on the planet is just by searching blogs was awesome. I have no clue how I would integrate this into my classroom because a. I have no clue how to do that kind of creation and b. I wouldn't know where to learn that program , assuming we do not have it yet.

Being able to make documents out of video, links, pictures, and the web purely is an awesome thing to do. Mr. Miller was right in saying that the 'document' he ublished online that got 9,000 hits within a month would not have gotten nearly that many having it in print. I know that I prefer the video version he did!! It was intriguing seeing everything you could do and it not having do be just print. Another cool thing about his video was the virtual green building he created using that software!! Amazing! I hope that I get to learn some of these things before I graduate!


WOW! We need to start seeing more classes like this throughout our schools (especially in our college)! Being a networkes student would provide you with not only the tools you would need to basically teach yourself the subject but it would also help people like me (wanting to become techers) to prepare to teach thir students like this. I feel like we basically do the same thing in our class now, except that we do not go out and find our own videos or podcasts ourselves (Dr. strange already has ours provided for us).

The only downside I see in Mrs. Drexler's plan to integrate this into her middle school class is motivating middle schoolers to actually want to go and do these kind of things on their own. I know that kids of that age are very difficult to deal with and I think she might run into some obstacles if the students need to take their work home and do it after school is over, when they could be on their facebooks or twitters. other than that this would be a great idea to start integrating into our classrooms. AGAIN, I am kind of jealous that these kids are learning these kind of things whenthey are in middle school and I am just now learnig it in college!


This week I got to coment on a kid named Maddy and her essay on How To Plant An Awesome Seed. Maddy did a great job on the essay and made it very clear what steps you needed to take to keep your plant alive.


  1. Hey Meghan!! Remember me?? How are you? I agreed with you on the Richard Miller video. I did not really understand some of the things he said. I also agree with you on Mrs. Drexler's post too. I think it would be a challenge to try and motivate middle school student to actually go do the work on their own. I am kind of jealous too. In fact, I am intimidated that these kids are learning these new material at earlier age now and we are just now learning some of this stuff. Great Blog!!

  2. Meghan you make some great points on both blogs I was also confused on the how we dream videos but understood them at the end and I think that it will great one day to put in our classes. And I also agree that I am jealous about what these kids are learning and how we did not get what they are getting. But keep up the great work on posting!!!!

  3. I think I got about a year or two left. I have change from a marine biology major to secondary education English with a minor in business and dance. I did not really want to leave the dance world, so I thought maybe I could just be a high school teacher and have a dance studio one day. How about yourself?

  4. In the near future I expect students in K-12 be expected to complete assignments via internet. Keeping them off of Twitter and Facebook will be no different from telling a kiddo to come in from playing or turn off the T.V. - it is all in the parenting.
